Augmented Reality Workshop

The Singapore government agency Infocomm Media Development Authority, leads the way in Singapore as a resource for everyone on the Island to help expand their understanding and use of technology. They have become a valuable resource to businesses and the medical community as well as schools and senior citizens who just want to have fun with technology. Every year before COVID, the IMDA alway held a huge in-person Technology exposition. Evolving over the years, participating exhibiters represented diverse innovative technology that touched all aspects of life for any age.
During Covid, when there were no in-person gatherings permitted, IMDA decided to offer an online Tech Expo called, SG Digital Wonderland and asked me to create something fun. I created and led through Zoom, an iPad based Intro to Augmented Reality workshop that included parent-child bonding as well. To encourage continued learning on their own, I also custom developed and gave participants an e-book guide to use as a reference after the workshop.