Consideration: I acknowledge the personal benefits accruing to my child by reason of participation in the STEAM Tinkering Holiday Camp, and am aware my child will be using art tools and supplies.
Assumption of Risk: I am aware of the risks associated with participation in the above event and do hereby voluntarily assume full responsibility for any risk of loss, property damage or personal injury, including death, that may result from participation in event activities.
In recognition of the potential hazards, I, or my children, my heirs and assigned, do hereby release Makerologie Pte Ltd, its owners and their family members, employees, program participants, their agents and anyone else acting in any capacity on their behalf from any and all liability, actions, causes of action, debts, claims and demands of every kind and nature whatsoever, and specifically including any claim for negligence or negligent acts, arising from my or my minor child’s participation in the STEAM Tinkering Holiday Camp. Student or Guardian/Parent hereby agrees to release, waive, covenant not to sue, indemnify and hold harmless Makerologie Pte Ltd, its owners/directors, teachers, employees, or the owners of the location 8 Lincoln Rd #06-02, from any and all liability, claims, demands, judgments, actions, executions and causes of action whatsoever. I understand that I am waiving my right to take legal action including filing a lawsuit for personal injuries to my child and/or myself..
This waiver and release is valid for all classes, events and programs provided by Makerologie Pte Ltd, and it’s partners
• I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
I further acknowledge that Makerologie Pte Ltd is complying with Singapore Ministry of Health Guidelines, to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
I attest that my child:
• Are not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
• Have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.
• I do not believe my child has been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
• Have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/Covid-19 and not yet cleared as non contagious by state or local public health authorities.
• Are following all MOH recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
I represent and acknowledge that I have completely read and understand this document and all its terms and all matters referred to herein, and I signed voluntarily as my free act and deed, that I have had ample opportunity to obtain the advice of counsel and that, by signing this document, I understand that I am relinquishing legal rights and remedies that may have otherwise been available to me. I understand that this Waiver and Release shall be construed as broadly and inclusively as is permitted by applicable law and agree that if any portion of this document is held invalid, the remaining shall continue in full force and effect. To the extent the restriction on filing lawsuits is deemed unlawful, I agree to submit any Claims to a mediation organization for binding resolution