Imagine. Create. Innovate.

Empowering Makers to connect their Head + Hands with their Heart,
elevates them to inspire and serve others.

Maker Education

  • Strategic development of infrastructure, protocols and data collection for your growing Makerspace.
  • Recommended Maker resources, tools, equipment and supplies, based on your School’s vision, core curriculum and budget.
  • Custom Curriculum aligned to education guidelines.
  • Professional Development
    Teachers’ mastery of real world STEAM/STEM multi-disciplinary curriculum through hands-on pedagogy. 
  • Provide continuity through regularly scheduled visits for ongoing Workshops, Modules or Classes.
  • Student and Teacher immersion into experiential based learning with open ended Thinkering. Integrate creativity and innovation into the culture of your school.
  • Engaging and immersive hands-on Maker/prototyping Workshops mapped to your current curriculum.
  • Exploratory Thinkering Sessions developed to ignite a Growth Mindset, curiosity, critical thinking and self-directed learning. 

New online and hybrid workshops!
Contact us to
continue delivering
engaging STEAM/STEM curriculum!

  • Just because you aren’t in school, doesn’t mean you can’t learn new stuff! Makerologie creates fun, exciting hands-on Maker experiences designed for Community Centres, everyday hobbyists and special interest groups.
  • Want to learn something new but are not sure where to begin? Makerologie will get you started and launch you into your next new Making adventure.
  • Makerologie adjusts each workshop to accommodate your level of skill, starting from newbie!

Contact us to find out how to join in
on fun hands-on making

Lifelong Learners