If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.
Maker Mamma
Making with Meaning
And Thinkering for Fun
I have loved making things forever and consider myself to be a “uni-brain”. My brain is completely cross-wired, blending the technical with the abstract, and the precise with the organic, impacting my approach to everything. I could fill this page with decades of stuff I’ve created. As time goes by, I will add more past, present and future passion projects and flights of fancy.
For now, I want to share with you, three pivotal experiences that were milestones in my life-long learning journey. They were not only filled with the “stuff” of things, but more importantly, the people who mentored me while I mastered the art of falling down and getting back up again.

These foundational journeys elevated my experience as a
human being + educator + artist + techno geek girl

The Cloud Foundation
The ArtScience Prize
Modeled after Cloud Foundation founder, Professor David A. Edwards Harvard class, How to Create things and Make Them Matter, the ArtScience Prize was a [Read More]

Genzyme Pharmaceuticals
Expression of Hope
While actively working on developing a cure, Genzyme Pharmaceuticals (US) created the Expression of Hope Project to bring global awareness to rare enzyme diseases. [Read More]

IMLS Ed Tech Federal Grant
In 2005, I secured the very first federal grant for Massachusetts College of Art and Designs in Boston. MassArt’s Looking to Learn program received funding from [Read More]