IMLS US Federal Ed Tech Grant
{Mass College of Art and Design : Looking to Learn Program}

Even Before the iPhone, Gayle was experimenting with
Hand-Held Ed Tech for Learning
In 2005, Massachusetts College of Art and Design in Boston, secured its first US Federal Grant. MassArt’s Looking to Learn program received funding from The Institute of Museum and Library Services, to develop a hand-held education technology tool that would inspire self-directed learning for Boston Public middle school students. The research and implementation of this project served as my Masters Thesis. To place this on the timeline of technology innovation, this project began two years before the introduction of the iPhone in 2007! Oh the stories I could tell.
As Project Manager/Designer/Educator, I orchestrated the communication + technology + creative connectivity between educational content, technology R&D and user interface design. It was also very exciting for me as a 21st Century educator, to guide students and observe the impact of using technology as a tool that encouraged self-directed learning!
Looking To Learn: Outreach
Gallery Education Program
Over the last twenty five+ years, Looking to Learn continues to set the standard for excellence among outreach gallery education programs. Reaching out into the local Boston community, Museum Educators now led immersive exploratory classroom visits integrated with onsite visits at the new MassArt Art Museum. Engaging a variety of modalities through interactive activities, 4th-12th grade students experience Art as a lens for understanding the world around them.